Boston QSP March 2019 Event Announcement
Boston- Please join us on Wednesday, March 20th, 2019 for an evening of sharing, learning, and socializing with fellow Boston QSP community members at our regular Bimonthly Event "Quantitative Pharmacology in Translational Research."
The event will feature a presentation titled "Quantitative Pharmacology: A Pillar for Translational Research" by our distinguished speaker Dr. Gianluca Nucci. Dr. Nucci is also one of the Scientific Advisors at Boston QSP. The talk will be followed by a mixer and reception where attendees can enjoy great company and conversation with fellow community members over selected craft beers and pizza from a local small business.
Registration is free but RSVP is required. The event is sponsored by Pfizer. The Cambridge Innovation Center (CIC) is the venue sponsor.
5:00-5:30 PM: Registration (outside Havana Room)
5:30-6:20 PM: Presentation and Q&A. Presentation title: Quantitative Pharmacology: A Pillar for Translational Research (Havana Room)
6:20-7:30 PM: Mixer & Reception (Venture Café, a few steps down the hallway from the Havana room)
Venue: Cambridge Innovation Center, 1 Broadway, Cambridge.
RSVP here. Limited seats.
* Please do not hesitate to RSVP on the waiting list if the RSVP is full as some guests "un-RSVP" as the event gets closer.
Speaker Detail:

Gianluca Nucci, Ph.D is the Head of Early Clinical Development Clinical Pharmacology at Pfizer. His group provides clinical pharmacology leadership to integrate PK, PD, patient characteristics pharmacology and mechanistic disease understanding to inform translational and clinical development strategies, driving robust and successful proof of mechanism (PoM), early signal of efficacy (ESoE) & phase 2 (PoC) delivery via quantitative methodologies, innovative study/program design and model-informed drug discovery and development to facilitate knowledge based decisions. Gianluca has > 15 years of experience in quantitative clinical pharmacology across multiple therapeutic areas and two major Pharma companies (GSK and Pfizer).
Pfizer has been at the forefront of model-based drug development (MBDD) to drive quantitative decision making and this had implication on success rates in Phase 3 but not as much in Phase 2. In particular, while MBDD has been able to identify “losers” efficiently and used to accelerate “winners”, it has not increased the number of winners. To this end, it takes better targets and here is where Quantitative Systems Pharmacology (QSP) can be transformational (together with other tools to increase confidence in clinical translation). Therefore adding QSP to the “traditional” MBDD tools has the promise to further impact on Phase 2 success and permits greater quantitative influence in the discovery and early clinical development. These concepts are illustrated with case studies.
About Boston QSP
Boston QSP is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to foster the sharing of QSP knowledge, challenges, solutions, and opportunities to advance the field as an interdisciplinary community in Boston.