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Boston QSP April 2019 Event Announcement

Boston- Please join us on Wednesday, April 10th, 2019 for a brand new event series "Innovation in Biopharma & Digital Health.", hosted by Boston QSP Inc.

The inaugural event will feature a presentation titled "Digital Medicine: Hype or Hope" by our distinguished guest speaker Dr. Peter Bergethon from Biogen. As usual, the talk will be followed by a mixer and reception where attendees can enjoy great company and conversation with fellow community members over selected craft beers and pizza from a local small business.

Registration is free but RSVP is required. The event is sponsored by Biogen. The Cambridge Innovation Center (CIC) is the venue sponsor.


5:00-5:30 PM: Registration (outside Havana Room)

5:30-6:20 PM: Presentation and Q&A. Presentation title: Digital Medicine: Hype or Hope (Havana Room)

6:20-7:30 PM: Mixer & Reception (Venture Café, a few steps down the hallway from the Havana room)

Venue: Cambridge Innovation Center, 1 Broadway, Cambridge.

RSVP here. Limited seats.

* Please do not hesitate to RSVP on the waiting list if the RSVP is full as some guests "un-RSVP" as the event gets closer.

Speaker Detail:

Peter R. Bergethon, M.D. is Vice President and Head of Quantitative Medicine and Clinical Technologies (QMCT) at Biogen. He leads the identification of technologies and methodologies that transform drug development. QMCT creates value by leading the transition of clinical practice in Biogen’s core and emerging growth areas from a qualitative to a quantitative discipline, and connecting the Clinical with the Research enterprise, to advance therapeutics and personalized medicine. Peter came to Biogen in 2017 from Pfizer Worldwide Research and Development where he was Vice President and Head of the Pfizer Innovation Research Lab within the Early Clinical Development group. At Pfizer, Peter led both the Quantitative Medicine group and the Innovation Research Labs where he pioneered mobile and digital clinical assessment technology, human neurophenotyping, and multi-modal data analytics to accelerate clinical development in neuroscience, immunology, rare diseases, and cardiometabolic disease. He is an accomplished clinical neurologist and neuroscientist who, prior to joining Pfizer, was a Professor at Boston University and Tufts University in the Departments of Biochemistry, Neurology, Neurobiology & Anatomy, and Biomedical Engineering.


Medicine is systems science in which the patient is a system and their health state is characterized by measurable properties. The change in state over time (dynamics) allows characterization of a sequence of states as a trajectory through growth, development, health and disease phases of life. Dynamic transitions define the trajectory from health to illness and with therapeutic intervention to recovery. Capturing time dependence is the power of digital technology.


About Boston QSP

Boston QSP is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to foster the sharing of QSP knowledge, challenges, solutions, and opportunities to advance the field​ as an interdisciplinary community in Boston.

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