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November Event: QSP Driving Early Drug Development

We had over 60 members participating from a wide range of backgrounds in biotech, pharma, healthcare, and academia. We appreciate your participation and we hope the presentation gave you more insight into the role that QSP can play in early drug development.

November Boston QSP networking pic

The guest speaker was Dr. Birgit Schoeberl from Merrimack Pharmaceuticals, Inc., where she leads early stage drug discovery and development as the Head of Drug Discovery.

Nov BQSP talk picture

She demonstrated the value of QSP in successfully bringing an anti-cancer drug, Seribantumab, from discovery to phase 2 clinical trials. Quantitative and systems approach played a big role in determining the particular target, dosing regimen and cohort size, as well as identifying key biomarkers. It informed the team about the drugs effectiveness for a subset of patients. Without it, the team would have had a much harder time determining efficacy and may have missed important biomarkers. It also informed the team about potential combinations with other drugs for better outcome.

Dr. Schoeberl and Dr. Sontag

A big thank you to everyone who attended the November Boston QSP event! We have yet another exciting event planned up for January. Hope to see you all there!

Testimonies of the attendees

“Held my breath – compelling story, stimulating talk and simply great questions, I learned a lot!” – Peter-Paul Henze

“Wonderful opportunity to learn and meet dedicated professionals. Thanks for organizing.” – John Konsin

Photos by: Michael Acovio

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